Winthrop Congregational Church, like many Christian churches, follows what is known as the Liturgical Calendar or the Christian Year. This is a special calendar that guides our worship through specific seasons that mark important times in Jesus' life or in the history of the church.
Advent Season- late Nov. or early Dec. through Christmas *This season is the 4 weeks before Christmas and is the beginning of the Liturgical year. During this season, we wait in hopeful expectation for Jesus' birth. We tell stories of his family and of what his people expected a Messiah to be like. We light a special candle each week, too.
First Sunday of Advent: Decorate the tree with special ornaments called Chrismons & bring gifts for the Family Violence Center
Second Sunday of Advent: All Church Christmas Pageant
Third Sunday: Choral Cantata by our talented church choir
December 24th: Christmas Eve Service of Lessons, Carols, & Candlelight
Christmas Season- It's more than just Christmas Day!
December 25th: We celebrate Jesus' birth
Twelve days after Christmas: Epiphany- the day when we remember the Wise Ones who learned of Jesus' birth from the stars and brought him gifts and worshiped him.
Ordinary Time #1- Far from ordinary... We tell stories about Jesus' early life and baptism, and learn about the promises that God made to Jesus' people, well before he was born.
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany: Transfiguration Sunday- Early in his ministry, Jesus traveled to a mountainside with friends to pray. Something very important happened there. He was forever changed.
Lent- Usually begins in February or March and goes through Easter. This is a period of 46 days before Easter where we learn about Jesus' ministry, his call to love God and love your neighbor, and how his ministry challenged expectations among the powerful in his community. His message was so powerful he was killed for it.
Ash Wednesday Service: the first Day of Lent, In 2022 it is on March 2nd.
The church often offers a Lenten study group for adults. Contact the church office for dates and times.
Palm Sunday: In 2022, it is on April 10th.
Maundy Thursday Service: We often share this service with a neighboring church. In 2022, it will be on April 14th at 7 PM.
Easter Season- It's more than one Sunday! This season begins on Easter Sunday, where we celebrate Jesus' victory over death and goes through Pentecost Sunday, where we celebrate the birth of the Christian church.
Easter Sunday Service: In 2022, our Easter Service is on April 17th at 10:00 AM. All are welcome! Christ is Risen Indeed!
Pentecost Eighth Sunday after Easter. In 2022 this will be on June 5th
Ordinary Time #2- Still not so ordinary. This is the longest season of the year. We spend time learning about important figures in the Hebrew Bible and learning about Jesus' parables. There are many things we celebrate during this time: The beginning of school, commissioning our Sunday School teachers, remember people we love who have died. We might even bless some animals.
Trinity Sunday- June 12th, 2022
World Communion Sunday - October 2nd, 2022
Reformation Day- October 31st, 2022
All Saints Day- November 1, 2022
*This is the last season of the year. Once it is over, we begin the liturgical cycle again with the season of Advent.