How can I serve with the people of Winthrop Congregational Church?
We can serve God in so many ways. Many of the members of Winthrop Congregational Church, UCC, serve at the food pantry, visit people in nursing homes and hospitals, and provide companionship and service through programs like the Crafty Ladies and the Women's Guild. Others stay after church to help clean up. Some people make sure to keep our lawn mowed in the summer and snowplowed in the winter. Some choose to help lead worship, either by reading from the Bible during our worship services, singing in the choir, or by teaching Sunday School. And, some people love to serve through the gift of good food. Members of our church baked 218 pies in 2014!
One way the some people feel called to serve is by being on one of the boards that provides leadership for our congregation. Here's some information about our boards.
Church Council consists of the Officers of the Church (Moderator (chair), Clerk,
Treasurer and Financial Secretary), Minister, the Chairperson or
appointed representative of each of the Boards (Deacons, Trustees, Christian Education and Church and Community Concerns), and three active members of the Church. The Church Council oversees and coordinates the activities of the church and its various boards, committees and organizations. The Church Council votes on new memberships and fills temporary vacancies on Boards and Committees.
The four official Boards of the church are the Board of Deacons, Board of Trustees, Board of Christian Education, and the Board of Church and Community Concerns.
The Board of Deacons consists of seven members, all of whom shall be active covenant members or Associate Members, elected for terms of three years. The Deacons are responsible for the religious ministry of the church and oversee worship, including assistance in preparation and administration of the sacraments, provision of music, selection of ushers, training and helping the acolytes, altar supply, and visitations. They present the budget for their Board, the Minister, and the Music Director to the Trustees.
The Board of Trustees consists of five members, all of whom shall be Active Covenant Members or Associate Members elected for a term of three years. The Trustees oversee the care and custody of the church properties and investments, oversee church use, prepare the annual budget and monitor financial affairs. The Board of Christian Education consists of five members, at least three of whom are Active Covenant members or Associate Members, elected for three years. The Board is responsible for Christian Education for children and adults, which includes Intergenerational Services, Bible Studies, Sunday School, and pageants.
The Board of Church and Community Concerns consists of five members, at least three of whom are Active Covenant Members or Associate Members, elected for terms of three years. The Board promotes various local and global endeavors to encourage interest and participation in benevolent giving. Past offerings have benefited the Winthrop Food Pantry, Pilgrim Lodge, Church World Service, and One Great Hour of Sharing. The Board oversees the Stewardship and pledge campaigns.
Copies of the By-Laws are available through the Church office. If you are interested in serving on a Board or have any questions, please contact anyone on the Nominating Committee. Call the church office (207- 377-2063), and we can get you the Nominating Committee member's contact information.