MEMORIAL WINDOWS One given by Mrs , A. P. Benjamin of Oakland, Maine, in memory of her mother , Mrs. Lydia T. Fairbanks, 1904.
One given by Mr. Harry F. Perkins of Oakland, Maine, in memory of his mother, Mrs. Mary A. Perkins, 1904.
One given by George 0. Packard, of Portland, Maine, in memory of John J. and Mary Blake Tinkham, 1904.
One given by Mrs. Murray L Stanley of New Britain, Conn., in memory of her grandfather, Nelson Packard, and her mother, Mr. Fiancis T. Packard, 1904.
One given by Mrs. Daniel Driseoll, of Portland, Maine, in memory of her father and mother, the Rev. and Mrs. Henry S. Loring, 1904
One given by John H. McIlroy in memory of his father and mother, John and Margaret C. McIlroy, 1904 . One given by the townspeople and parish in memory of Mrs. Sarah Reed Wood, 1904.
One given by Harry S. Stevens, 1904.
ALTAR CROSS - given in memory of Mrs. Sarah M. Brush by her children, 1945.
ALTAR CANDLESTICKS - given in memory of Pvt. Alfred W Maxwell, Jr., U.S.M.C., by his family; 1945.
AMERICAN AND CHRISTIAN FLAGS - given in memory of Albert F Waitt by his wife, Mrs. Winifred Waitt; 1945.
OFFERING PLATES - given in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Whitney by their daughter, Mrs. Carl Harriman, 1945.
LECTURN BIBLE - given in memory of Nellie F. Lindsay by her husband, Fred Lindsay, 1945.
THE COMMUNION TABLE - presented by The Adelphi, March 10, 1905.
THE TOWER MUSIC SYSTEM - installed by the Church in memory of Mrs. Nellie Packard Stanley, April 18,1949.
The HAMMOND ORGAN CHIMES - given September 9, 1956, by Mrs. Marnia Stanley as a Memorial to her nephew, 1st Lt Fred W. Wood who gave his life in the Korean conflict and who received the Silver Star for gallantry in action.